Sunday, December 23, 2012

Candy, music, fun.

Tonight, we went to my aunt's house for the annual Christmas musicale. It was grand. There was trumpet playing by my niece, my son and I sang In the bleak midwinter, my nephew was pressed into service, playing Apologize on the piano, the kids joined in on all sorts of carol singing, and we joined together in a fantastic rendition of Bacon Pancakes (led by my son). Super-festive, in other words. Maybe the most fun ever?

In related matters: I made a bunch of candy over the last couple of days:

Listen. I don't know if people even like brittle anymore. I, however, will say this about it:
  1. way easier than you'd think.
  2. fast--if you've got your ingredients organized, it's like 15 minutes tops per batch.
  3. makes you feel like a genius despite 1 & 2 above.

     4. it looks super cute in a box when you give it to your neighbors. AND
     5.  it must be said: when you make it yourself, it tastes dang fresh and damn good.

(The link above is what got me started. It is the most stripped down, essential version. Here's one that gives you a little foam in the candy at the last minute, which is different and also good.)

1 comment:

  1. Last night, we walked around with friends and their children holding candles, singing carols, looking at the Christmas lights. Not near so grand as your musicale but I love the kinds of activities Christmas gives us permission to do! And brittle. I love that too. Bark, too, is easy and cute in packages.



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