Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Signs of life.

Sunday, Mother's Day, we had a big gaggle of family over for a barbeque in the rain. To prepare for this, we mowed the backyard and did a ton of yardwork in the front, so that we could all mill around inside and look out. At the rain. It was so much fun.

Monday, the day after Mother's Day, I took my son to the airport. Then I came home to the quiet of the house, to grading. We ate leftovers from the party.

Tuesday, yesterday, I stayed home all day, grading. I made dinner, with lots of vegetables. I finished my grades and prepared for the next day's meetings.

Today, I had meetings all day. I came home and started a batch of bread and made soup. I took a nap. I baked the bread and we ate it with the soup. Outside, the light is perfect. The hydrangea, daisies, geraniums and pelargonia, lemon verbena, lavender, rosemary and basil we planted on the weekend gleam in their pots.


  1. Sounds perfect. Love it.

  2. Sounds like a satisfying day, actually. I wish you were in my kitchen now, making your soups and breads.



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